Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon to you.Let me introduce you about myself. My name is Muhammad Hariz Danial b Mohd Norhisham.I am 18 years old and were born in Muar, Johor.Im a student of University Technology of MARA at Jengka campus.I am continuing my studies in Faculty of Applied Science in 2019.


This course prepares students with learning skills essential for varsity life.It exposes students to basic academic skills;e.g. effective time management ,setting goals,learning styles, learning strategies, and processing information from lectures and texts,which would help students cope with academic demands at the tertiary level


  • Apply knowledge of study skills in academic settings
  • Develop a personal study skills portfolio


Getting Ready To Learn

  • Making the transition (from school to university)
  • Characteristic of successful students
  • Using learning styles to enhance performance
Goal Setting:Learning Management System

  • Setting goals for the new semester 
  • Writing effective goal statements
  • Using the Learning Management System
Time Management:Organizational Skills

  • Optimizing study time
  • Organizing study time
  • Using time-management strategies to stay motivated 
  • Reducing procrastination
Getting To Know The Campus
  • Making the most of college resources
Memory Learning , Improving Concentration
  • Understanding memory processes
  • Memory strategies 
  • Understanding concentration
  • Strategies for improving concentration
  • Reading/study system (SQ3R/P2R)
Taking Lecture Notes
  • Effective note-taking system
Academic Integrity,Performance
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Calculating grade point average


Making the Transition(From School To University)

When we have graduated from school,we must adapt to new things when transmitting to university such as the environment,new studying
techniques,new friends,managing your own time and yourself.Here are the difference that we can see between school and university:
Difference between school and university
Learning Styles & Characteristic Of Successful Students
Different types of learning method
Activity 1:Identifying your learning style
By answering the quiz that has been given to us by Dr.Shafii(http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml),the score that I got from the quiz is:

  • Auditory:35%
  • Visual:40%
  • Tactile:25%

From the score above,I have learnt that I am a visual learner.I understand things and remember them in sight.I can picture what I learn in my head,and love to see what I learn.
Here are the things to improve my learning as a visual learner:

  • Sit in front of the classroom
  • Use flashcards to learn new words
  • Have my eyes checked on regular basis
  • Avoid distraction during study times
  • Color code things


Without goal we will be lost
"You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream"-C.S. Lewis

Goal is the thing you wanted to achieve after you have developed your effort towards it.Goals are important for us because it help us to motivate our-self when studying and working.It also help us to plan our path in order to achieve it.

Activity 2:Managing Your Goal
Dr.Shafii asked us to set up our goals,obstacle, and our ways to achieve it.Here are my goals and ways to achieve it:

My goals and ways to achieve it


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Time management is a process of planning your time towards a task or activities.A good time management could be beneficial for us in terms of reducing stress,shorter time when doing the task and more time for us to spend with our family and friends.
In order to manage your own time we must:
  • Priorities the most urgent task
  • Have a schedule to manage your time
  • Ask advice from lecturer or friends on managing our time
  • Paying attentions to deadline and ways to solve it
Procrastination is an act of postponing your task.It could rob your time of an make you stressful.

There were several reasons why people procrastinate:
  • Laziness
  • Avoiding failure and success
  • Being a perfectionist
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Being rebellious
Activity 3:Personal Schedule 
Dr.Shafii and Dr.Baizura gave us a task.We must do a weekly schedule as shown below

Activity 4:Managing So Much Work
By using the schedule in Activity 3,we must identify and the urgency of each activity.
White=Not important and not urgent
Light Green=Less important  but not urgent
Yellow=Important but not urgent
Green=Important and urgent

My weekly schedule


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List of Faculty in UiTM Cawangan Pahang,Campus Jengka:
  • Faculty of Accounting
  • Faculty of Applied Science
  • Faculty of Plantation & Agrotechnology
  • Faculty of Sports Science & Recreation
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Business Management
  • Faculty of Computer Science & Mathematics

Library and Resources


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Operational hours:

Zone in the library:
  • Quiet zone
  • Silent zone
  • Social zone
They were several types of library:
  • School library
  • Academic library
  • Special library
Activity 5:Assignment Video Introducing The Campus
We have been given an assignment which is to introduce important places inside the campus.Please watch it and enjoy!


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On this topic we have been explained by our lecturer(Dr.Agustono Wibowo),that memory is important things we need to remember something.First we need to understand what is memory.
Activity 6:Answering Question
Dr.Agustono asked us to answer a few questions.[Activity 4.1(p. 90 in van blerkom, 2009)]
Activity 4.1(p. 90 in van blerkom, 2009)

Memory And Learning

From the lecture that has been given to us by Dr.Agustono,I have discovered the definition of memory,how information was learned, and the needs of using various kinds of learning strategies learning, retaining, and using the information (encoding, storage, and retrieval).

Memory is the retention of information over time or the mind stores and remember information like a computer software

From the pyramid above,we remember:
  • 5% from a lecture
  • 10% from reading
  • 20% from audio and visual
  • 30% from demonstrating
  • 50% from discussion group
  • 75% from practising
  • 90% when we teach others
The Storage(Retaining Information)
They were 3 different types of memory

  1. Sensory Memory(SM):An information that comes from our senses.If we pay attention it will go to short-term memory(STM) but if we do not pay attention the information will be lost.
  2. Short-term Memory(STM):A very limited information stored in here.In order to make it a Long Term Memory,we must repeat or rehearse it or it will be forgotten
  3. Long-term Memory(LTM):An unlimited and large storage of information.If the information were not used for a long time our brain will start to forget it.

Activity 7:Close Your Eyes
We have been asked by our lecturer to wrote down the numbers shown on the slideshow after 5 seconds.I managed to wrote down 5 of it.This indicates that i have normal short-term memory strength

Memory Strategies
How forgetting could occur
  • Did not pay attention
  • Does not understand the information
  • Last minute study(Cramming)
  • Did not have good strategies
  • Test anxiety(Negative thought)
How To Improve Our Memory
  1. Space practice-Involves space between studying time.Taking breaks between studying session allows us to think an organize the information
  2. Break reading material down e.g. 2 chapters per day
  3. Rehearsal
  4. Elaboration strategies:-Associations,Acronyms,Acrostics,Imagery,Organizational strategies,Comprehension monitoring strategy

Strategies To Improve Concentration
Causes of poor concentration:
  • Lack of interest,motivation,attention
  • Distractions from others
  • Uncomfortable environment
  • Physiological matters-illness,tiredness
  • Psychological matters-anxiety,personal problems
Strategies to improve it:
  • Use motivational and organizational strategies
  • Create a positive learning environment 
  • Deal with internal distractions
  • Use active learning strategies
  • Match your learning style to the task
  • Monitor your concentration 
Activity 8:Concentration Chart
Our lecturer asked us to do a concentration chart as shown below:
My concentration chart and my ways to overcome the problems

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Why we must take lecture notes?

  • Notes are important for our brain to strengthen and improve our memory
  • Students can recall 80% about the lecture when taking notes
  • Help us to revise before examination
  • Provides an opportunity for repetition of the material

How To Take Lecture Notes
Preparing Yourself Before Taking Notes
Reading the text assignment before class,it will allow us to:-
  • Build up some background about the topic
  • Have a main idea about the topic that we will learn
  • Your notes will be more organized

Before class:-
  • Review the notes the day before
  • Review your reading assignment
  • Make sure you have paper,text,handout,pencils
  • Write the date at the top of your notes
  • Leave spaces between the lines to add information 
Make sure you sit in-front of the class to make sure you hear and see better.It ensures you to be more motivated.

Become An Active Listener
Strategies to improve listening skills:
  • Read the text assignment before the lecture to build background on the topic 
  • Review you last set of notes before the lecture begins 
  • Sit in the lecturer’s line of vision 
  • Decide what you want to listen 
  • Focus your attention physically by sitting up and making eye contact with the speaker
  • Focus your attention mentally by eliminating or avoiding distractions  
  • Listen with an open mind, setting aside your own biased 
  • Control your emotional responses 
  • Listen for the main points and related details and take notes 
  • Ask and answer questions 
  • Monitor your listening. 
Effective Note Taking System
  1. Cornell note-taking method 
  2. Informal outline
  3. The block method
  4. Modified block method
  5. Mapping method
Cornell note-taking method:
Informal Outline:
The Block Method:

Modified Block Method:

Mapping Method:

Activity 9:Taking Notes Using Cornell/Block/Outlining/Mapping Method
Our task is to make a note about the topic that have been shown to us during lecture using one of the method above 

Activity 10:Taking Note Using Cornell/Block/Mapping/Outlining Method While Listening To Audio LectureWe need to develop a note using the method above while listening to this online audio lecture(https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/9-00-introduction-to-psychology-fall-2004/lecture-notes/3-learning-the-power-of-association/)

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Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.Integrity could prevent someone from doing morally disgusting actions such as plagiarism.

An act of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own,as by not crediting the original author.

How To Avoid Plagiarism
There are two steps to avoid plagiarism.The two steps is writing and and planning

Planning Your Paper

  1. Consult your lecturer
  2. Plan your paper
  3. Take effective notes
Writing Your Paper

  1. Cite sources
  2. Make it clear who said that
  3. Know how to paraphrase
  4. Evaluate your sources
  5. Include a reference page

Calculating Grade Point Average(GPA)
The final examination results and assessments at the end of every semester are assigned a Grade Point Average (GPA) and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which represent a student’s academic achievement.

A GPA refers to the calculated average of the letter grades a student earns in each semester following a 0 to 4.0 scale as shown in the table below.
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The formula to calculate GPA:

GPA=The total credit values registered and attempted in the assessment of a semester 
                  The total credit units acquired in the same semester 

In order to find GPA weighted by credit hours,just follow these steps:

  1. Multiply each numeric grade value by the number of credits the course was worth
  2. Add these numbers together
  3. Divide by the total number of credits you took.
For example:
=(3.67[your grade] ✖3[your credit hour])+(3.33✖2)
                       3+2[total of you credit hour]

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) refers to the overall GPA, which includes dividing the number of quality points earned in all courses attempted by the total credit hours in all attempted courses.

The formula to calculate CGPA:

CGPA = The total credit values registered and attempted in the assessment of all semesters 
The total credit units acquired in all semesters 

Failure And Dismissal

Activity 11:Calculating GPA 

1.Calculate the GPA of Amelia Ameer for her first semester:

2.Calculate what would have happened if Amelia had earned a B in Chemistry:

Her GPA would be 3.06

3.What is the difference in GPA? 

4.Now calculate Amelia GPA for the next semester: 

5.What would happen if Amelia had received a D in Cell Bio instead of the B+? 
If Amelia received D, her GPA will drop to 2.28

6.What is the difference in GPA? 

7.What is the difference in CGPA? 
By subtracting her CGPA in semester 1 and her CGPA in semester 2 

8. What does Amelia have to do in order to achieve a GPA of 3.00 in the 2nd semester if her CGPA falls below 2.50 in the 1st semester? 
Amelia must score at least B in Intro Physics,and Writing in Biology

Thanks For Reading
